Zacurate Partners with Project C.U.R.E
Project C.U.R.E and Zacurate announce a partnership where Zacurate has agree to donate 200 fingertip pulse oximeters to support their mission. A fingertip pulse oximeter is a small, portable and non-invasive device that indirectly monitors your blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate (heart rate).
Project C.U.R.E
Project C.U.R.E has become the world’s largest distributor of donated medical supplies, equipment and services to doctors and nurses serving the sick and dying in more than 135 countries.Each week Project C.U.R.E. delivers approximately three to five semi-truck-sized ocean containers packed with the medical equipment and supplies desperately needed to save lives in hospitals and clinics in resource-limited countries.
We are happy to assist Project C.U.R.E in its mission to make the world a better place by providing valuable and essential medical equipment to citizens of countries with utmost need.
- Beyond Med Shop
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